USTA Tennis Leagues
Most of the USTA leagues take place in the evening. Matches are played against other tennis teams from the area once a week. You need to be a member of USTA. Yearly USTA Membership is $44.00 a year. League registration for most teams cost around $33.15 for each league during the season. Court fees for league matches are no longer paid at every match. Home match court fees at Foothills have always been free for Foothills members. Opponents are no longer charged a fee per player when playing league matches at any site.
Foothills Club has men’s teams and women’s teams and sometimes we have mixed doubles teams. If you have never played on a USTA league team, NOW is the time to try it. There are many levels and the matches are a lot of fun.
USTA Leagues are broken up into four different "Seasons" for no better term. Below you will see the different seasons and the requirements and deadlines associated with each "Season" and league within each season.
To the right, you will find links directly to the USTA website for full pdf's of the league information including dates and times each league plays.
Contact Matt Kiser, Foothills Director of Tennis by E-Mail at for additional information on specific teams available.
Click here to visit Colorado Tennis for additional info on leagues.